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There are several ways to participate.  

First, you can simply visit.  Normally, this would involve coming in person to a Sunday Service.  While we don't currently have a minister, we regularly have visiting ministers, and other times we have a variety of speakers and service leaders from the congregation and greater community.  We have an open pulpit, so you will see many styles and points of view which we find refreshing.  So come to more than one to see the full gamut of what we have to offer.   You would stick around after the service for coffee and conversation.  On returning a second time we would offer for you to sign up as a "friend" of the church and we would make you a nametag.  You might learn about the children's religious exploration offerings or participate in various adult activities such as discussion hour, game night, or a book club.  In time you might want to make a financial contribution of record and make the longer term commitment of signing our membership book to become a member.  You might want to volunteer as an usher, greeter, coffee host, religious education assistant, or office volunteer.  You might join a committee and help make decisions or propose your own programs.  Maybe you will someday want to lead a service, or join the board.  Getting involved isn't one of the duties, it's one of the benefits.   






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